The Buyer-persona-based Copywriting System generates Higher Conversion Rates for Every Product Design Engineer


Creating content that engages your target audience can be a challenge. But by using buyer personas and copywriting, you can ensure that your content resonates with the right people. Buyer personas are essential for understanding the needs and want of your potential customers while copywriting helps you craft messages that will capture their attention and drive conversions. By combining these two elements, you can create content that is tailored to your target audience and drives engagement.


I. Introduction

As the product-led marketing industry continues to evolve and change, Product Design Engineers are judged not only by their ability to create innovative products but also by attracting prospects’ attention.  Product Copywriting today is about developing trust and a deep emotional connection with your buyer. There is a huge demand for product designers who have also qualified copywriters. Often Product Design Engineers feel frustrated because they don’t know how to write product copy that converts prospects into customers.

Today’s copywriters are more innovative than they were a few years ago. They have grown up using technology and are exposed to it throughout their day-to-day lives. Product Design Engineers are expected to be good at writing about their products.

This led to the other question.


II. How I used content automating AI tools to make my life easier during the recent product launch on AppSumo?

‘I never saw myself as a copywriter. Traditional job applications didn’t suit me very well, and with all the talk about Artificial Intelligence in the industry, I wanted to explore the potential of the technology for myself. Now I want to bring it to you”.

Harish Kumar

Harish Kumar,

17+ years of experience in Product Design Development

With 17+ years of professional experience as a software developer in various industries, including financial services, I became curious about NLP and machine learning power and how to generate full-automation of content creation pipelines to rapidly analyze buyers’ emotions and pain points, desires, and semantics.

When I did manage to publish my first blog post, it didn’t seem like people were engaging with the content. So I missed out on two ways:

  1. No traffic back to my website, where people can buy my stuff,
  2. A very minimal personal connection to potential future customers.

Then, I learned about growing significant audiences using customer persona-based copywriting that engages and generates high conversions.

I also noticed other product design engineers have roadblocks with a lack of emotional connection to their own product and a lack of copywriting experience. They were more in love with details and tech than the problem-solution statement itself.

I used this knowledge and background to inspire myself, and I founded with the design goals of achieving higher conversion rates with buyer-persona-based copywriting leveraging AI technology for custom content marketing. offers a practical instant solution to the world’s top customer pain points for landing page design, lead generation, and conversion rates with unique AI-based copywriting.’s AI copywriting solution can work with different target audiences and build highly personalized and optimized messaging to engage your customers more. It goes away from being just a marketing robot. Please give it some steering inputs in the initial setup of how you want them to react. It will strategically build tailored content optimized for the audience configuration you give it.

The most pressing question that every Product Designer faces is this-


‘How do I sell without having a polished product?’ 

Product Designers, Marketers, and Copywriters share many parallels as they address the same rule of thumb: give people only what they want. One is essential for building the product itself. The second is building an audience while getting them excited about your product, and the third helps get them onto your purchase form.

The difficulty lies in using these three disciplines simultaneously when product designers can’t even explain to marketing and copywriting what pain points their product solves for their audience.

People mistakenly believe that product design alone can sell products. However, the end goal of every product design engineer is to create something that solves a problem and translates into actual commercial opportunities.

A product design engineer needs to create a stylish or meaningful user experience and give their clients practical solutions to problems.


III What is AI-powered copywriting?

According to Breakthrough Advertising [Eugene M. Schwartz, Martin Edelston], the buyer persona approach is a great way to align marketing objectives with your buyers’ interests and reach them more effectively with personalized content.

This is even more true with this AI-powered tech trend in 2022 that will create for marketers a broader capacity to produce better quality sales content that delivers customers exactly what they need vs. just slapping random content together, hoping it will resonate. AI-empowered product designers and copywriters can work to understand the mindset of their target consumer, which personalizes the product or service offering in such a way that consumers are less likely to find any objections.


What is a Sales Copy? Why is the sales copy too dry?

Sales copy focuses on what benefits the customer would enjoy with the product. Often copy looks like their focus is to sell and not inform the customer. To avoid this issue, use buyer personas. A copywriter’s job is to create content that persuades visitors to buy a product or service. Convincing people to buy from you is tough, even when making your messaging easy to understand. The price might be too high, or the quality isn’t there.


How can you use these AI strategies to learn how to write a copy that sells, ripen existing sales copy or start over from scratch?

A human copywriter can still use their talents to create draft pages to train the bot before inviting it over to generate complete content. This way, they get the speed of automation and AI with human intelligence onboard.  In this approach, you can see how product designers themselves can use CrawlQ AI-powered copywriting as a part of an overall strategy for launching their new product and achieving higher conversion rates for them:


How can you write a sales copy that gets your prospects to act?

The most important thing to remember is always to stay true to the lead with your copy. You start by identifying your prospect’s needs, wants, or desires, then formulate your idea of who they are and how their work impacts you by highlighting all the benefits they will experience if they decide to make a purchase or sign up for an offer of your product.

The good news about writing high-converting copy is that it now takes significantly less time with AI.


What do you want to list as feature benefits when you write a sales copy?

When writing a sales copy, make sure you list every feature of your product – be as complete as you can be. And then consider what problem each feature solves.


What should you do before you write your sales copy?

Product-led Copywriting is the key to sales copy. Focus on the benefits and use a buyer-persona-based copywriting process. Product Designers can’t just write any content for any product. This requires a high level of research into the target audience to write the best possible content with the most appealing features.


How to Write a Killer Sales Copy – Can AI do the magic?

It all starts with a killer headline.


What is usually the most important benefit of a good headline?

A good headline can grab your reader’s attention, set the article’s tone, and captivate them with a compelling story.  A question should be asked to start an article like ‘How often are you frustrated when your boss asks why you didn’t publish any blog posts that week?’ The key objective of the headline is to inform the reader of all the benefits and solutions to their main concern.


What can you learn from Elite copywriters who go from asking questions to analyzing research… to creating messaging flows?

Elite copywriters will usually conduct research, brainstorm a framework for the messaging they want to use, and then create an outline for their content.  It would help if you had a repeatable, research-driven framework you & your team can come back to again, which is precisely what we have created with


4 – Golden Rules to Benchmark Why Your Sales Copy Isn’t Converting

Rule 1: Choose one focus

Rule 2: Define your goal

Rule 3: Identify your target audience

Rule 4: Use compelling words

One of the most important aspects considered when writing copy for a website or blog is consistency. It’s necessary to stick to a tone and voice throughout the content: it should sound like part of a single document if not just one paragraph at a time.  Opinion articles on blogs and dark websites with an intended facetious purpose are welcome to break some grammar rules by being more informal. However, much factual copy should remain formal to be read properly and project professionalism.


What is conversion copywriting?

With conversion copywriting, product designers and marketers obtain invaluable insight into their sales funnels and customer personas. It is time-consuming and complex. Therefore it is costly. When you set it up correctly, it can immediately impact your investment (ROI).

Buyer-persona-based copywriting helps increase lead conversion rates by generating high-quality customized content for your target audience. This way, you are not only engaging your prospect with a personalized message that they want to read and solve their problem (which is the first step in the buyer funnel), but you are also building credibility about what your company does and earning trust through your upfront honesty.


What is the central goal of a conversion copywriter?

The central goal of a conversion copywriter is to craft marketing content that seamlessly matches the customer journey, thereby converting browsers into customers.


What do sales copy do to get readers to buy?

The idea is that marketing copy can’t change what customers want, but it can offer them information about the product or service to connect with and satisfy their needs.


What is the main difference between Sales Copy and Conversion Copy?

Sales copy gets readers to buy something, typically a product or service. Conversion copy gets people to take action, like, subscribe or sign up (including buying) with the process methodically mapped out.


What is the primary difference between SEO and sales copy?

SEO Copy is focused on keywords and content that are Search Engine-driven. Sales Copy is focused more on the benefits of your product or service to the customer and how it will solve their pain points or get them what they want.

A product designer who thinks like a sales copywriter needs to tailor their approach to their pitching type. In other words, a business person is not going to convert often as easily as an individual in the B2C sector; therefore, a flexible-yet-crisp message is needed to ensure conversions.

The sales copywriter’s process should involve conducting market research, writing copy that resonates with a specific persona, and including calls-to-action that entice users to buy.


What information can sales copywriters extract from buyer personas within the copy?

The information they need to know about their target audience to generate engaging, persuasive messages. Today’s problem with sales and marketing efforts is that there’s an overload of content available, most of which is not killer 100% unique personalized content. When a company launches a product or service, everyone on the team should create new content for social media and blog posts — significantly adding time and expense to the process. If the buyer persona is set up correctly, this process can cut down to 8x efficiency gains.


What are the critical factors for converting leads into customers?

  • -Increase leads and reach: Localized, personalized copy will increase lead quality and quantity 5x over.
  • -Improve conversion rates: Copywriting changes that are 100% unique to your target audience, tailored exclusively for them.
  • -Leverage content marketing for success: Get more trust and engagement with highly engaging content.


IV Conclusion

How you can save time and money and automate content creation using advanced AI-powered copywriting. The tendency to complicate writing is the major problem every product designer faces while creating content.

If you’re a beginner, take the time to study the basics. Research your market thoroughly and leverage the power of AI.


3 Pro-tips for beginners 

  1. Be a bit of a detective.
  2. You must understand and embrace human psychology.
  3. Leverage the power of AI

“Get more sales and outreach introductions via highly personalized messages based on your Buyer persona.” An AI-driven automatic system in place, such as, takes away the burden of tedious tasks such as finding the right target audience or generating personalized landing pages.

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