CrawlQ Copywriting for Product Mastery


Heavily drawn from Eugene Schwartz’s Breakthrough Advertising, Dan Kennedy’s The Ultimate Sales Letter frameworks, and David Ogilvy on Advertising, Jim Edwards and Russel Brunson's Copywriting Secrets.

Table of Contents

We Will Cover…

Top 3 Principles of CrawlQ Copywriting Framework

  • Powerful

Copywriting skills will make you a killer Founder, Product Design Engineer, CMO or Sales and Marketing Tech leader. You can become a highly paid Growth Consultant using this framework. 

  • Compelling

The biggest problem is copy and websites not working and making sales. It’s because the sales letter is off. Marketing and Sales arguments do not resonate with the target audience and your product. CrawlQ Copywriting is heavily drawn from Eugene Schwartz’s Breakthrough Advertising, Dan Kennedy’s The Ultimate Sales Letter frameworks, David Ogilvy on Advertising, Jim Edwards and Russel Brunson’s Copywriting Secrets. This will make your copy compelling.

  • Universal

You can use the sales letter in all assets – outbound emails, ads, landing pages, blog videos. You can build micro or macro contents for social media.  It can help you build sales and marketing arguments using Insights, Stories and Answers quickly and efficiently.

Who this is for:

  • CrawlQ is dedicated to solving this problem for Product Design Engineers, Product Managers, CTOs, SaaS CMOs, Sales and Marketing Technology Leaders who want to take their game to the next level and make magic.
  • Founders and CEOs who want to test and validate business ideas and bring their products or services to the world.

How to write a winning headline that no one has ever written before?

  • Copywriters’ job is not to just create a copy but to direct and channel a mass desire which already exists and comes from the market. You alone cannot create a desire for a product. You can only channel hopes, dreams, and fears, suspicious, failures that already exist in the minds of your prospects.
  • As a copywriter, focus on those existing pain-points and map it to a particular product. As a Copywriter you can only exploit those pain-points. You cannot create the mass desire and if you run against it you will end up in a deadlock.

What is the mass desire and where does it come from?

  • As per Eugene Schawrtz, mass desire is the public spread of a private want. When the private desire is shared by a statistically significant number of people, large enough to profitably create a business case, then a market is born.
  • By simply directing this gigantic, already-existing mass desire—rather than being required to create it—content marketing thus commands an economic force hundreds of times more powerful than the number of dollars needed to create the content.
  • This is the Content Amplification Effect of successful content—the reason that $1 spent on such content creation can create $850 or even $I000 in sales. But this Content Amplification Effect takes place only when your content exploits an already-existing desire. With education, you can create this desire but the goal of content marketing that sells and converts to paying customers is to exploit the mass desire which already exists.
  • Content marketing should be put to exploit this mass desire that already exists for its successful goal of making new sales and generating more revenue.

How to Channel Mass Desire Onto Your Particular Product?

  • The first step is to choose the most powerful desire that can possibly be applied to your product. A mass desire has three dimensions.
  • Dimension one: Urgency, intensity, and Degree of demand to be satisfied.
  • Dimension two: Starving power, degree of repetition, and the inability to become satiated.
  • Dimensions three: Scope, the number of people who share this desire
  • Acknowledge that desire—reinforce it—and/or offer the means to satisfy it—in a single statement in the headline of your ad.

This headline is the bridge between your prospect and your product. It touches your prospect at the point of awareness that he has arrived at today. If he is aware of your product and realizes that it can satisfy his desire, your headline starts with your product. If he is not aware of your product, but only of the desire itself, your headline starts with the desire. And, if he is not yet aware of what he really seeks, but is concerned only with a general problem, your headline starts with that problem and crystallizes it into a specific need.

If your first headline holds your prospect he will read the second. If the second holds him, he will read the third. And if the third thought holds him, he will probably read through your full content. Every product gives you dozens of keys. But only one will fit the lock. Your job is to find that one dominant performance squeezes every drop of power out of it in your content—and then convince your reader that that performance and that satisfaction can come only from your product.

What are the 3-main questions you can ask before creating content for your product?

  • What is the mass desire that creates this market? (Your Prospect’s Acknowledgment of the Problem)
  • How much do these people know today about the way your product satisfies this desire? (Your Prospect’s State of Awareness.)
  • How many other products have been presented to them before yours? (Your Prospect’s State of Sophistication)

Your answers to the last two questions will give you the content of your headline.

How should your headline be written when the customer knows about your product but doesn’t yet want it?

How should your headline be written when the customer knows about your product but doesn’t yet want it?

Here your headline is faced with one of seven tasks:

  1. To reinforce your prospects desire for your product:
  2. To sharpen his image of the way your product satisfies that desire;
  3. To extend his image of where and when your product satisfies that desire;
  4. To introduce new proof, details, documentation of how well your product satisfies that desire;
  5. To announce a new mechanism in that product to enable it to satisfy that desire better cheaper and faster;
  6. To announce a new mechanism in your product that eliminates former limitations;
  7. Or to completely change the image or the mechanism of that product, in order to remove it from the competition of other products claiming to satisfy the same desire.

Why does the headline need to adapt to the stage of awareness?

  • A headline that will work to a market in one stage of awareness will not work to a market in another stage of awareness. Nor will it work, even to a market in which it has been successful, once that market passes on to a new stage of awareness.
  • Most products are designed to satisfy a specific need or desire. They are born into markets that are at least the third or fourth stages of awareness. They may therefore never be faced with the problem of an unaware market.

Why is the headline important to get right?

  • Without a strong headline, getting attention will be difficult. Marketing has nothing to do with your offer and mechanism. Even if your offer or mechanism is fantastic, if the headline or marketing message is wrong, no one will ever know of it.
  • Your headline has only one job—to stop your prospect and compel him to read the second sentence of your content. The headline does not sell.

How is the headline derived?

  • The best headlines are promises made that are derived from either your case study outcomes or research outcomes. Just take a look at your best case study, and use the transformation that took place.
  • If you don’t have case studies yet, use the transformation that you witnessed via 2nd-hand evidence. For example: “How Clickfunnels grew to $100M in 4 years without raising money”.
  • If you are still unsure, start by crafting the most bodacious headline that you can think of.

Does the headline have to be true?

When you are testing something, no. When you are actually marketing something, YES. This is where people get confused…They are scared to make claims that are not true yet, however, without making these early claims, you won’t find the point of resonance, and you won’t be able to build something that meets the market at the point of resonance. Once you find the point of resonance, you work hard to get the claim right.

  • When you are testing something, no. When you are actually marketing something, YES. This is where people get confused…They are scared to make claims that are not true yet, however, without making these early claims, you won’t find the point of resonance, and you won’t be able to build something that meets the market at the point of resonance. Once you find the point of resonance, you work hard to get the claim right.
  • This is where the engineering bandwidth is used. Salespeople without engineering bandwidth end up lying, getting sued or going to jail. Engineers who don’t know how or are too scared to make claims end up building products that no one wants.
  • The solution is to have the salesmanship skills and courage to make the claim, then the engineering bandwidth to make the claim true.
  • You see Elon Musk does this all the time – he makes a claim, then forces himself to make it true. He sometimes comes up a little short, but what he did in the meantime is still so damn useful to the world, that no one cares. He knows he has to put these forcing functions on himself to stretch the engineering limits.

What are the 5 stages of market sophistication?

What are the 5 stages of market sophistication?

There are stages of sophistication that Eugene Shwartz speaks of:

  1. First to market and a new claim
  2. Second to market and an elaboration of the claim
  3. Third to market and emphasis on the mechanism
  4. Forth to market and an elaboration of the mechanism (better, faster, cheaper)
  5. Fifth to market and a focus on identification with the prospect

What do you do when you are first and second with your product to the market?

  • Be simple. Be direct. Above all, don’t be fancy. ‘Sum either the need or the claim in your headline—nothing more. Dramatize that claim in your copy—make it as powerful as possible. And, then bring in your product; and prove that it works.
  • If you’re second, and the direct claim is still working—then copy that successful claim—but enlarge on it. Drive it to the absolute limit. Outbid your competition.

What are the third and fourth and fifth stages of sophistication?

  • When your market has entered into its Third Stage of Sophistication, your prospects have now heard all the claims— all the extremes. Perhaps they have even bought one or two competitive products. Every time they open a newspaper, another similar headline screams out at them. How are they to distinguish one product from the mass? How do you break through to reach them?
  • If your market is at the stage where they’ve heard all the claims, in all their extremes, then mere repetition or exaggeration won’t work any longer. What this market needs now is a new device to make all these old claims become fresh and believable to them again.
  • In other words, A NEW MECHANISM—a new way of making the old promise work. A different process—a fresh chance—a brand-new possibility of success where only disappointment has resulted before.
  • The fourth stage of sophistication–If a competitor has just introduced a new mechanism to achieve the same claim as that performed by your product, and that new-mechanism announcement is producing sales, then you counter in this way. Simply elaborate or enlarge upon the successful mechanism. Make it easier, quicker, surer; allow it to solve more of the problem; overcome old limitations; promise extra benefits.
  • You are beginning a stage of embellishment similar to the Second Stage of Sophistication described above. The same strategy will be effective here.

How to Revive a “Dead” Product

How to Revive a “Dead” Product

  • In this Final Stage of Sophistication, your market no longer believes in your advertising, and therefore no longer wishes to be aware of your product. In many ways, therefore, this Fifth Stage of Sophistication corresponds to the Fifth Stage of Awareness.
  • The problems are the same. The strategy is the same. The emphasis shifts from the promise and the mechanism which accomplishes it, to identification with the prospect himself. You are dealing here with the problem of bringing your prospect into your ad—not through desire—but through identification.

What is verbalization?

  • It is the art of increasing the impact of a headline by the way in which it is stated. This is Verbalization. And it can accomplish several different purposes: 1. It can strengthen the claim—by enlarging upon it, by measuring it, by making it more vivid, etc. 2. It can make the claim new and fresh again—by twisting it, changing it, presenting it from a different angle, turning it into a narration, challenging the reader with an example, etc. 3. It can help the claim pull the prospect into the body of the ad—by promising him information about it, by questioning him, by partially revealing a mechanism, etc.

Why does the headline involve a time component?

  • Humans think in time and associate change with time. When you speak to a transformation, you will need to add a time component. Ex. doubling in 10 years is way less interesting than doubling in 1 month.
  • Be sure to include a time component to your headline.

Why does the headline need to be niche-specific?

  • The conversion rate and engagement rate is a function of specificity, meaning the more relevant the piece is to the target, the higher the engagement rate will be. When you are specific to a niche, your headline will resonate more than just a broad claim, which will be marketing.
  • Be specific until you sold more than $10m. Then open up to the broad market – Tai Lopez (an OG marketer and businessman)

How to Create a Headline that Generates Clicks, Sales and Massive Rapport?

Here is the template we use:

  • “How {company name} Went From {state 1} to {state 2} in {Timeframe} Using {Mechanism}”
  • “For {Niche}: How to go from {State 1} to {State 2} in {Timeframe} Using {Mechanism}”
  • “How to go from {State 1} to {State 2} in {Timeframe} Using {Mechanism} with {negative outcome}”
  • “Case Study: How {company} Went From {state 1} to {state 2} in {Timeframe} Using {Mechanism}”


“How to take your B2B SaaS company from $0-$1M in 12 months or less using content marketing funnel and AI-powered content automation”

Use this intro:

“In this [article/video/podcast], I’m going to walk through [insert headline]”

Why as a copywriter do you need to know more about that market then the market knows about itself?

What is Market Research and Resonance (MRR)?

CrawlQ is an advanced, AI-driven market research tool and content creator that generates highly personalized, targeted copy for better conversions.

CrawlQ helps you identify your target audience, conduct market research, and generate high-quality content that’s tailored towards your target Niche.

Sell before you build using CrawlQ’s AI-assisted Market Research tools for swift product-market fit and business idea validation. You can run as many target audience tests as possible.

CrawlQ will take you step by step through defining demographics and serving up with the copy that emotionally captivates your target audience.



Instantly generates insights on audience needs that help define user preferences!

CrawlQ helps you get super specific in your research, too. In just minutes, you can delve further into sub-niche, micro-niche and your ideal prospect story to resonate with your best target audience.

  • The copywriter can use CrawlQ Market Research and Resonance in two ways. Market Research about the most powerful needs and desires of his market—desires that may be hidden, verbally unacceptable, or completely unknown.
  • It shows him the strength of those desires—their drift and momentum—the taboos that accompany them and limit their expression. It helps him locate splits in his market—points of difference—design pinpoint appeals for each of them.
  • And it feeds back to him early reactions to his own phraseology—to test his own worry-points in the copy—to enable him to shift emphasis—and even to emerge with a completely new idea.
  • All well and good. But CrawlQ Market Research and Resonance is not  about finding a headline, nor even the central theme of content, nor will it ever be. Like any other fact, it is the direction and steering you give it to CrawlQ AI Engine “ATHENA”.
  • MARKET RESEARCH tells you where not to go, to avoid wasting your time. And then it indicates the general area of your solution. But the transformation of those facts into an idea, and the expression of that idea in the strongest possible form, still require as much creative talent with or without using AI. The source of an idea, no matter how profound, is still only the beginning but using powerful Human-Assisted AI. The copywriter has to take it from there to its final conclusion, the final wording and final draft.
  • The second great service that MRR can perform for the copywriter is that of testing his own hunches, in answering the questions he uncovers in dealing with his market over a period of time.

How can you express the Personality of a Product in your Headline?

How can you express the Personality of a Product in your Headline?

  • One of the most indirect discoveries of the Market Research and Resonance is that a product has a distinct and complete personality to the consumer.
  • This personality is complex and embraces many traits. For a product, it consists of quality, prestige, performance, appearance, resale value, freedom from other tools, ease of use, and much more.
  • However, one of these traits will always be the most effective in summarizing and expressing this personality?

Does the headline need to mention money?

  • If you can, you want to mention money, weight, or health.
  • If you can’t derive the monetary benefit, you will need to do an absolute benefit analysis.

What if you can’t determine the monetary benefit?

  • Try again. Your customers are trading money for your solution, so you need to present the exchange in the “apples to apples” format – they pay you X, they get Y in value.

How bodacious does the headline need to be?

  • You want to make the headline as bodacious as possible. If it’s not bodacious, no one will listen. A simple tweak in the headline can double or triple sales in a second.
  • Have some courage to make a claim. Stick your neck out. You might take a bit of heat, but that’s fine. The market is an unforgiving space. Make doesn’t work.

The headline and claim are independent of the market

  • Marketing and sales are very different in that marketing is used to get people in the door, and sales is used to convey an argument as to why the prospect needs to make a transaction with you now. The claim is marketing. It is independent of the product, the sales process, the price, etc… It simply needs to tickle the market and get people to show up.
  • This is what a lot of people don’t understand. The marketing is completely separate from the sales and product and price. The headline and marketing needs to bring people in the door and create belief and demand. The sale needs to solve a specific problem for a price. The mechanism needs to deliver on the promise made during the sale. There are 3 moving parts.

What if you don’t have case studies to back up the claim?

  • Still make the bodacious claim that resonates with the market. This is where courage comes in. You will need to figure out how to make it true with either your product or a process and information.
  • You want to go for the “guaranteed yes”. There are two degrees of freedom: 1. Interest 2. Believability – going for the guaranteed yes will remove interest from the equation so you can focus solely on believability.

Where else is this headline used?

  • This headline will be used in opt-in pages, video sales letter titles, ads, cold emails etc…
  • It’s bait.
  • It’s a claim.

How do you know your headline is working?

  • You will know it’s working since you will get engagement on the piece. People will click. Open rates will be high.

How do you know your claim and headline are not working?

  • No one cares. No one opens. No one besides your friends like on LinkedIn, Youtube, Instagram.

Can you create multiple headlines and test them?

  • Yes, you can. You will likely see one headline converting more than any other. Just make sure you are following the scientific process in that you test one thing at a time. You don’t want to get false negatives.

Do you highlight the business problem or personal problem of your prospect in your claim / headline?

Do you highlight the business problem or personal problem of your prospect in your claim / headline?

  • Here we are directly addressing the buyer’s persona and touching their direct problem in the business context. Even though we are trying to understand their personal dreams, desires, and also business dreams and desires, our main job as copywriter is to exploit that mass desire to get attention towards our product and offer. We want to channel our prospects’ emotions (their problem and our solution) towards our product. There are three fundamental questions that we should ask

What is the mass desire that motivates your market?

What is the mass desire that motivates your market?

  • How much does your market know about your product? (Their State of Awareness.)
  • How many similar products have they been told about before? (Their State of Sophistication.)
  • So, to answer the question, think about the problems of the CMO whose solution lies in your offer/product. Problems of CMO vs Solutions coming from your mechanism or claim. Also one very subtle nuance here is a CMO will not visualize the problem which is personal to himself, but he will buy into a problem when it relates to his family, children or his direct financial freedom (which is indirectly related to his/her business). This is why life insurance can be sold, not by picturing the prospect’s death, but the horrors inflicted upon his wife and children if insufficient money is left over to take care of them.

To sum up: A man or woman will not visualize future disasters occurring to himself or herself but he or she is perfectly capable of visualizing, and buying preventatives from, the image of such future problems affecting others around him or her.


How do you dig your headline and rest of the copy of your content/ad from market research and resonance?

  • You don’t get an idea or a headline— you either build it, or unfold it, petal by petal. You dig it out of the market research . . . you wring it out of the product . . . you read, you listen, you experiment for yourself. You work— hard. You rub up against this product and this market so hard that they seep into your pores.
  • And—above everything else—you remember this cardinal ride of creativity: What you are looking for in this product and this market is the one element that makes them unique. The idea you want— the headline you want—the breakthrough you want—are all wrapped up inside that product and that market.
  • Nowhere else. And no outside ride—no outside formula will give them to you. You are facing a product-market-timing relationship that never happened before—it is unique. And the solution you need is just as unique.
  • You will be trying multiple headlines to determine which one resonates with the market. Remember, that the headline is independent of the offer and mechanism. The question we need to ask ourselves is: “What can we claim that will get people fired up?”
  • If your first headline doesn’t engage anyone, then change it quickly and try again.
  • The faster you go through this iteration loop, the faster you will get to a headline that actually works.
  • Be ruthlessly objective when you are writing your claims. Understand that no one cares about your product. Think of yourself as a detective solving a mystery. What does the market really want to hear right now? What is the guaranteed yes? If you are close to the market, you will be able to come up with claims like magic that just works.

How to use desire in writing body copy as strong as your headline?

  • Desires are physical, material and sensual. They have tremendous potential and driving power. They already exist in your prospect. You cannot create them, diminish them or battle them. But you can expand them, sharpen them, channel them and give them a goal. This is your primary task as copywriter.
  • You need to make your prospect visualize the wonderful new world your product offers him so strongly that he practically lives in it and then offer him that product. The method to channel their desire is called intensification.

Why roles, identifications and personality traits are important to prospects and how it connects with your product copy?

Why roles, identifications and personality traits are important to prospects and how it connects with your product copy?

  • Longings for prestige, success, social status complement and intensify the desires. You can call these longings as goals, hopes, dreams, ambitions, envies, admirations, fantasies or objectives. Your job as copywriter is to directly put these longings behind your product.
  • Make your prospect feel the prestige and select a group when he joins and become subscribers of that product. You need to make him take selfies with people who live in your product’s community.

What are beliefs and how to deal with these in copywriting?

  • Beliefs are the opinions, attitudes, judgements, prejudices, fragments of knowledge and conceptions of reality that your prospect lives by.
  • This is the world of emotionalized reason that he inhabits—the way he accepts or rejects facts and builds up his universe, the types of thinking he uses to arrive at decisions, the ideas and values which give him comfort and which he believes are permanent and true.
  • These ideas may be shallow or profound, valid or false, perfectly logical or mere wishful thinking. But it is not the copywriter’s mission to argue with them. And you cannot change them. Creating content for sale is not education.
  • Copywriting, like science, must accept reality as it exists, not as it might wish it to exist. Only then can it alter reality—not by smashing into it head-on—but by exploiting its tendencies and giving direction to its energies.
  • People believe in certain ways. These beliefs form a filter through which your product-information must pass or be rejected. And their already-established patterns of reasoning create habit-channels along which your copy must build its conviction—or die.

What are the obstacles in the sales and how can you overcome them by expanding desires?

  • Skepticism, lethargy and price and results of your product are main obstacles in sales. The job of the salesman is expanding the mass desire horizontally to more people and vertically by sharpening and intensifying it in such a way that these obstacles are overcome.
  • These mass desires are vague in the prospect’s mind. Your job is to fill out these vague desires with concrete images—to show your prospect every possible way that they can be fulfilled—to multiply their strength by the number of satisfactions that you can suggest to achieve them.
  • As a copywriter you need to show your prospect all the tomorrows that your product makes possible for him.
  • Do not repeat your argument but reinforce them in the sequence which makes your prospect more engaging and participating.

What are the 13 techniques you can apply for intensification of mass desires?

  1. First present the product or the satisfaction it gives directly—bluntly—by a thorough, completely detailed description of its appearance or the results it gives.
  2. Put the Claims in Action: Now that you have presented your main description, you are ready to expand the image. One of the most effective ways to do this is to PUT THE PRODUCT IN ACTION for your reader. To show, not only how the product looks, and what benefits it gives the reader, but exactly how it does this.
  3. Bring in the Reader: put your reader right smack in the middle of this product-in-action story, and give him a verbal demonstration of what will happen to him the first day he owns that product.
  4. Show your prospect how to test your Claims: Turn the demonstration into a test. Let your reader visualize himself proving the performance of your product—gaining its benefits immediately—in the most specific and dramatic way possible.
  5. Stretch out your benefits in time. showing the product at work, not for just an hour or day, but over a span of weeks and months. Here you extend your reader’s vision further and further into time—showing him a continuous flow of benefits.
  6. Bring in an Audience: other actors besides the reader are brought into the scene. Each one of them—each group of them—provides a fresh new perspective through which your reader can view the product. Seen through their eyes—experienced through their actions and reactions—the product performances become new, vivid and completely different again.
  7. Show Experts Approving: But not only celebrities and ordinary people can be used to reaffirm the product benefits. Experts in the field—professionals—the sophisticated, the discriminating, can be called on to register their reactions.
  8. Compare, Contrast, Prove Superiority: the competition can be carried into contrast. The disadvantages of the old product or service can be laid side by side with the advantages of the new— throwing these advantages into sharp relief.
  9. Picture the limitation of your product too: Here the negative aspect to every promise—the problem that you are liberating your prospect from forever—is painted in all its full black color. You irritate the wound, and then you apply the salve that heals it.
  10. Show How Easy It Is to Get These Benefits: at every point that your product touches the life of vour prospect price, availability, ease of use, durability, portability replacement and maintenance, it furnishes you with another fresh perspective in which to reiterate and reemphasize its benefits. Here is just one example—stressing the ease of application, and contrasting it with the tremendous benefits that that application gives you.
  11. Use Metaphor, Analogy, Imagination: nor do you have to be satisfied merely with the statement of rate fact. There are infinite opportunities for the use of imagination to present those facts in more dramatic form, outside of the rigidly realistic approach.
  12. Before You’re Done , Summarize again: as long as each additional fresh perspective continues to build the dominant desire in your prospect’s mind, use it. But if the additional perspective is not different or dramatic enough to renew your prospect’s interest in your claims, then leave it out.
  13. Put Your Guarantee to Work: finally, as you close the sale, as you ask the prospect for action, as you state the terms of your guarantee, you can turn that guarantee into the climax of your sales letter—the last brief summary of your product’s performances—reinforced at every step by the positive reassertion of that guarantee.

How to Build a Saleable Personality Into Your Product?

  • The recognition and magnification of mass desire, wants, needs and cravings is the first and most obvious task of copywriting. However, your copy is incomplete if you do not take care of longing for personal identification. It builds the second mechanism of persuasion as personal identification in your product. Identification here means more than the buyer persona or customer’s process of identifying with a product personality. In this context, it means at the same time the active process by which the copywriter capitalizes on this need for identification by building its realization through his copy into his product. The activities and process that you must accomplish, the psychological effects you must achieve to give your copy the maximum possible strength.
  • What, exactly, is this process of Identification? Quite simply, it is, first of all, the desire of your prospect to act out certain roles in his life. It is the desire of your prospect to define himself to the world around him—to express the qualities within himself that he values, and the positions he has attained.

How do you utilize this longing for identification when you write your copy?

  • In two ways: First, by turning your product into an instrument for achieving these roles. And second, by turning that product into an acknowledgement that these roles have already been achieved.
  • Every product you work on should offer your prospect two separate and distinct reasons for buying it. First, it should offer him the fulfillment of a physical want or need. This is the satisfaction your product gives him. And second, it should offer him a particular method of fulfilling that need, that defines him to the outside world as a particular kind of human being.
  • This is the role your product offers to your prospect. It is the non-functional, super-functional value of that product. And it is built into that product—not by engineering—but by copywriting alone.

How to make your prospect believe your claims before you state them? How to use Desire, Identification and Belief for absolution conviction?

  • The first dimension is Desire—want, yearning, motivation—with specific goals and/or cures in mind—with the prospect begging to be shown how to obtain them. It is the copy writer’s job to make sure the path to these goals goes through the product—and to make sure that the prospect can visualize every drop of satisfaction that their achievement will give him.
  • The second dimension is Identification—the need for expression and recognition—unformulated, unspoken, at least partially unconscious—searching for symbols, definitions and embodiments. It is the copy writer’s job to crystallize these self-definitions and emboch’ them in his product—so that the product may be used, not only as a source of physical satisfaction, but also as a symbolic extension of the personality of the prospect for whom it is intended.
  • As a next step, desire and identification alone are never enough. By themselves, they can never produce the full reaction the copy writer must have if he is to achieve the maximum success with his product. No matter how intense the desire. no matter how demanding the need to identify, both these reactions must be fused with a third great emotional dimensional force—Belief— before they can produce the final overwhelming determinant of action—Absolute Conviction. It is this fusion of desire and belief—this conviction—this certainty—this feeling in the prospect of being right in his choice— of being assured of what he has been promised—that the copy writer seeks as his ultimate goal. And it is to this third dimension of the human mind—the Belief that produces this certainty—that we now turn.

What is belief and its exact role in copywriting?

  • Looks like that belief is the most complex fusion of thought and emotion in the human mind. The accepted facts, truths, values and opinions are raw material of belief. Most important part of the copywriting process is the vast amount of emotional security your prospect derives from these beliefs. It is a great feeling of being comfortable and reassured of living in a world that has meaningful self-actualization. It is your prospects’ world where he understands and predicts today and his tomorrow and that is stable.
  • The exact role of belief in copywriting can be stated as follows: If you violate your prospect’s established beliefs in the slightest degree—either in content or direction—then nothing you promise him, no matter how appealing, can save your content. But, on the other hand, and even more important: If you can channel the tremendous force of his belief—either in content or direction—behind only one claim, no matter how small, then that one fully-believed claim will sell more goods than all the half-questioned promises your competitors can write for all the rest of their days. This channeling of belief is so powerful that, if properly directed, it will even support otherwise-absurd claims.

What is gradualization in the process of persuasion as per Eugene Schwartz?

  • This process of starting with the facts that your prospect is already willing to accept, and leading him logically and comfortably through a gradual succession of more and more remote facts—each of which he has been prepared in turn to accept— is called Gradualization. It is the third Process of Persuasion.
  • Make no mistake, it is this acceptance for your product that we are looking for. Effective content development, like effective literature, is built—not of words—but of reactions. We put down on paper an architecture of words. If these words are effective, they evoke, in turn, an architecture of reactions in our prospect’s mind. We are creating a stream of acceptances, with a definite sequence and content and direction, and, if we are successful, with a definite goal—the absolute conviction in your prospects mind that he must have your product. This is the essence and single most important goal of building your content.
  • Interest and believability—these are the two requirements that determine your headline.
  • Gradualization is the art of stating a claim in such a wav that it will receive the greatest possible acceptance and/or be- lievabilitv from your prospect.
  • Belief ultimately depends upon structure. Just as desire de- pends upon promise, so belief in that promise depends upon the amount of preparation that promise has been given before vour reader is asked to accept it.
  • One fully-believed promise has ten times the sales power of- ten partially-believed promises. Most copy writers try to strengthen sales copy by piling promise upon promise. What they usually get for their troubles is greater sales resistance from their prospects. They could far better invest the same time in strengthening the believability-structure of the original justifiable promise.

How are first headlines, second headlines, and third headlines related in terms of acceptance of your claim? How to strengthen the believability-structure of the original justifiable promise?

  • It is a fact that your most powerful claim does not always make your most persuasive argument in your first headline-it is a paradox that many copywriting experts still cannot accept. For reasons of awareness and sophistication, you need second and third headlines with far less tall claims than the first one but far more likely to be believed. The second and third headlines build a belief bridge to the first headline. You need to build carefully along the content which creates more believability.

What is the state of awareness of your prospect?

  • that the effectiveness of your headline is as much de- termined by the willingness of your audience to believe what it says, as it is by the promises it makes. When this believability is clear, you can say that your prospect is aware of the problem.

How to contradict the present (False) Beliefs?

  • You can bluntly say “I know you think this is true; but I’m going to show you it is false”. However, this is best used in conjunction with your strong authority, strong enough to contradict present (unpleasant) beliefs and get away with it.

What are belief structures and patterns? Can you give some examples?

  • Contingency Structures—such as “If. . . then . . .”, or “Wish your…then…”
  • Repetition of Proof: Echoing—such as “These experts found. . . . These experts found. . . . These experts found. …”
  • Promise—Belief—Promise Variation. Where every sentence of promise is followed (ideally) with another of proof, or verifi- cation, or documentation. So that the reader never has the breath- ing space to question.
  • Paragraph Parallelism. Where the same word structure used in an accepted statement is then picked up exactly, and used to borrow acceptance for a fresh claim.
  • All have the same objective. To gain continued acceptance. To prevent rejection. To build conviction. Belief is the goal.

What are the tactics I can use in my copy to remove objections to my product?

What are the tactics I can use in my copy to remove objections to my product?

  • First step is to redefine your product. It says that the product is this rather than that. The main objective is to remove roadblocks to your sales-if possible, before the prospect even knows that such a roadblock exists.
  • Use the flip-flop method to turn disadvantage into an advantage.
  • Use a simplification method for the overcomplicated product. Engineer simplicity into the product.
  • Innovate, but remember that innovation without acceptance is valueless. The more people know that something is difficult and more revolutionary and innovative is your product and different from others–the more resistance you will get from accepting it. You therefore need to create a background and redefine the problem-solution statement before you bring in your product “how it works”.

How to verbally prove that your product does what you claim?

  • Actually, when your prospect reads your copy, he is engaging in a silent dialogue with you. You are feeding him ideas and images and emotions, in a planned pattern; and he is feeding back to you reactions to these ideas and images and emotions. You hope—you plan—that these reactions will be favorable. But your prospect will have three types of demand from your content. There are three classes.
  1. Demands for more information. He is saying to you “Tell me more”
  2. Demands for proof. He knows he wants it. What he wants to know is true. He is telling you: “Oh yeah? Who says so?”
  3. Demands for mechanism. He knows he wants the end result; now he wants to know how you are going to give results to him. He is saying: “How does it work?”.
  • You need to play the dual role of copywriter and prospect. You need to develop foolproof sensitivity to these inevitable fractions. You need to change direction at the precise moment. You need to anticipate your prospect.

How Do You Destroy Alternate Ways for a Prospect to Satisfy His Desire?

  • In hindsight, no successful copy ever sells a product. It sells a way of satisfying a particular desire. And its power to sell ultimately comes from the intensity of that desire.
  • If the desire is commercial—that is, if it is shared by masses of people, and if each of these people want that satisfaction enough to pay the price required for a mechanism to satisfy it—then it is highly probable that many firms will try to deliver that mech- anism, or product, to them. Also then you face competition but as a copywriter you do not compete with competition but you differentiate away from the competition.

How do you beat competition?

  • Superiority of your product is the ultimate weapon in the war of the consumer’s dollar.
  • A best product also needs a best copy. Without a copy, the product cannot sell. And the best copy eventually comes from the superiority of promise. A stronger promise, that evokes more desire. A more believable promise, that brings in the skeptics as well as the susceptible. We are setting here a blueprint of developing such a promise.
  • Product role is the third most important weapon. The role the product allows its consumer to play. The personality, the identification, the prestige, the status, the excitement you can bring out of your product.
  • Your ability to escalate claims, shift mechanisms, invade new markets.
  • And finally direct attack, the mechanism of concentration which is different from the rest above. When you start small, direct attack on competitors is another formula to crack their image, to shatter their loyalty before you can re-channel desire from your competitor’s consumers.
  • If you can only attack another product—without showing at the same time, by comparison, how your product provides what the other lacks—then say nothing at all! Never attack a weakness unless you can provide the solution to that weakness at the same time

What is the main objective of competitor differentiation?

  • In CrawlQ, competitor differentiation is the process of pointing out weak- nesses in the competition . . . emphasizing their disservice to your prospect . . . and then proving to him that your product gives him what he wants without them.
  • Equivalently Eugene Schwarts called this technique of concentration. This uses the techniques of intensification to show the penalties of continuing with the old product. Gradualization to show the logical cause of the weaknesses and how they can now be cured. Mechanization to prove that your product removes the weakness.

Again for summary, what is the fundamental role of the headline and body copy?

  • We first made a creative search for headlines which aroused interest and curiosity. Then we exploit that headline by feeding more interest and curiosity in our prospects’ mind leading and steering that headline into a body copy.
  • A body copy has three most fundamental functions. 1. Intensification of desire 2. Creation of an acceptable product personality-role that prospect is willing to identify with. 3. The abstract structure of your copy that produces believability of your product.

What are the essential of a VSL

With CrawlQ we have simplified and revealed the secrets within Dan Kennedy’s The Ultimate Sales Letter… To give you a proven system for writing copy that makes tons of money fast! It is useful to watch this video.

  • Link

Ultimate Sales Letter by Dan Kennedy: a must watch

How do you know you are ready to write the sales letter?

  • The Market Research and Resonance should build the foundation to write all sales copy and marketing contents on your website.
  • If the Market Research and Resonance is off, then the automation of content might not work and content will not resonate as much as you want.

How are Sales Letter content used?

  • The sales letter underpins the entire business, marketing, sales scripts, narrative. They are used in all ads, outbound messages, follow ups, emails sequences, etc…
  • It can be thought of as the “sales argument” – the reason why someone would buy.
  • If you get the sales letter right once, it will give you yield for years.

Why do we need to understand our customers so well before writing a sales letter?

  • The goal is understanding. To persuade someone, to motivate someone, to sell someone, you really need to understand that person.
  • Dan mentioned Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of the 30-million-copy bestseller and his

Psycho-Cybernetics, and he uses those techniques—like “Theater In Your Mind”—to visualize your letter’s recipients as living, breathing, thinking, feeling, walking, talking human beings. He visualizes their day’s experience. How did it start out? What did they do when they first arrived at the office? Do they get their mail presorted? Opened? From an “in” basket?

  • Hand-delivered? When do they get it? Where will they stand or sit when going through it? At that time, what else are they thinking about? Preoccupied with? What do they worry about, complain about, secretly wish for, enjoy?
  • If you don’t have enough information and experience to do this, you must get it!

“10 Smart Market Diagnosis and Profiling Questions” by Dan S. Kennedy

  1. What keeps them awake at night, indigestion boiling up their esophagus, eyes open, staring at the ceiling?
  2. What are they afraid of?
  3. What are they angry about? Who are they angry at?
  4. What are their top three daily frustrations?
  5. What trends are occurring and will occur in their businesses or lives?
  6. What do they secretly, ardently desire most?
  7. Is there a built-in bias to the way they make decisions? (Example: engineers = exceptionally analytical)
  8. Do they have their own language?
  9. Who else is selling something similar to them, and how?
  10. Who else has tried selling them something similar, and how has that effort failed?

Why do you want to create a damaging admission and address flaws openly in your product or services?

  • This may seem strange to you at first, but identifying the flaws in your product, service, or offer is a big step forward toward making the sale! By acknowledging the flaws, you force yourself to address your letter recipient’s questions, objections, and concerns. You also enhance your credibility.
  • Create an objection matrix for your prospects. Write down objections, your ideal rejection to those objections and customer or benchmark research data as why their objection is baseless.
  • There is, for example, a selling tactic known as “draining the objections,” in which salespeople list the objections on a pad before answering any. They keep asking “Anything else?” until the customer runs dry of objections. Then they ask, “If we can take care of all these concerns to your satisfaction—and I’m not sure that we can—but if we can, you will then want to go ahead with the XYZ tonight, right?” When the customer says “yes” to that, he or she is boxed in.
  • While I avoid overestimating a customer’s intelligence, I try never to underestimate skepticism! Those marketers who think they can “hide” the objectionable issues are grossly underestimating the skepticism of customers. If customers are going to think of anything, they are going to think of all the reasons not to buy. Dan mentioned that he had great success with a copywriting formula that airs the likely objections for the customer, and then answers them. The start of that copy block reads something like this: Excerpts from Dan

What could be your subject line when you send your sales letter?

  • {First Name}: Audited Delivery of Next Business Goal Milestone
  • {First Name}:The Information You Requested
  • {First Name}: { } Is Enclosed . . .
  • {First Name}:Important Documents Enclosed . . .
  • I personally like this subject line very much….{First Name}: Your competition does not want you to have the Information Enclosed!!!

What is the “AIDA” formula in sales?

  • In person-to-person selling, there is a little formula that is taught almost universally. It’s called “AIDA,” which stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. This is the orderly process of a sale. So, once you’ve gotten the letter recipient’s attention, you must work to develop his or her interest. It is a funnel stage in your sales process.

What is voice-inflection in a sales letter?

  • Use these graphic enhancements.
  • Bullets ■ ■ ■ 2. Numbering: 1, 2, 3, and so on 3. Underlining 4. Boldfacing 5. Varied type 6. Simulated handwriting—in the margins, in the P.S. 7. Boxes 8. Lines made of asterisks *************** 9. Yellow overprint (an option in your word processing program allows your printer to use yellow ink to simulate sloppy markings made with a yellow highlighter pen) 10. Screens (washes of a light dot pattern over a paragraph or two; you can use a gray screen if printing in black, or a pastel screen from your primary accent color, such as pink from red) 11. Photographs with type running around them 12. Subheads . . . lots and lots of subheads!
  • Contrary to what many people in the advertising business believe, these choices about graphic devices should not be left up to the typesetters and artists. The person who writes the copy must have direct involvement in suggesting, considering, and deciding on the use of these devices.
  • The main purpose of these graphic enhancements is not to improve the aesthetic appearance of the letter; it is to add “voice inflection” to the copy—and the copywriter is best qualified to choose what to emphasize and how to emphasize it.

Why do emotions play important roles in sales?

  • You can be bold, daring, even shocking. You can be poetic; you can be romantic; you can be colorful in your descriptions of the sun, the sea, the land, the stars, the breeze, the ocean smell. Where will you go? What will you do when you get there? Anticipate the objections and eliminate them as you go. Make huge promises! Create an overwhelming desire in your reader to go with you on that trip—no matter what the risk!

Why would you like to add celebrity names in your sales letter?

  • Many B2B SaaS Founders and Marketers have opportunities to connect celebrity name dropping with their products or services and foolishly fail to do so.

Why can’t we start with a website?

  • All success of funnels, video sales letters, sales scripts, outbound emailing, advertising is dependent on the sales letter. For this reason, we start with it.
  • If you start with a website, you won’t know what to write on the website and you will likely have to redo the whole thing since the structure and the messaging was off.
  • The websites are easy to build. It’s simple coding and design. The hard part is matching the content to the niche in a way that triggers a purchase decision.

What’s the key point of a sales letter?

The best sales letters are not “salesy”, they are useful. They provide real value to the prospect and the prospect is better off after they have read the letter. The metric we optimize for is utility. Don’t ever forget this. The whole reason why customers buy, prospects listen, friends do favors for you…is utility. The sales letter is useful. Useful and unique.

Is this an explainer document?

  • Nope. If you spout features and benefits of your product or service, you will just frustrate people. No one cares about you, they care about what you do for them.
  • Your sales letter will be useful whether or not the customers buy your product. The ad platforms will reward you because the engagement is so high. Customers will love you. Prospects will trust you. It’s all about utility.
  • There is a time and a place for feature dumping – it’s when the prospect has already bought into your core argument and “new activities”. In fact, if your core argument and “new activities” are written well enough, prospects will feel compelled to buy, even if they don’t even know what you sell.

Who is the sales letter aimed at?

  • The sales letter is “niche-specific” meaning it is written with one type of person in mind. If you can’t picture the person, then you are not specific enough.
  • If you need to write multiple sales letters to address multiple people, then do that. You are not bound to one sales letter
  • The letter should read like you are speaking to a friend. It’s specific. This will cause a massive amount of rapport.
  • Don’t be afraid to double down on your customer. As soon as you commit, you will get the resonance.
  • If your sales letter is too broad, you won’t get resonance, and your ROI on marketing will flop. You need to double down on the person you are targeting.

Who should write the sales letter?

  • A compelling and useful sales letter requires the author to have compelling and useful things to say. For this reason, founders and team members with deep domain expertise will author the sales letter.

How complete does the sales letter need to be?

  • You will get your first few letters up and you will constantly be creating more and updating your current letters. That’s the beauty of the internet – it’s not like print or a writing book, you can update your Google docs or your videos and website in seconds and the world gets the most updated version instantaneously.

How fast should you go?

  • The speed at which you can create the sales letters and get them published will determine the speed at which you can test products and ideas.
  • All business is writing and building. That’s it. Marketing is easy, updating sales pages and websites is easy. The hard part is writing and building useful things. Those are the two skills you need. If you can write, you can sell in person. If you can write these types of docs and letters, you can lead. If you can write these sales letters, you can cause a massive amount of demand and have opportunities for days that will allow you to test offers, pricing, mechanisms and find product-market-fit so fast you wouldn’t believe.

What are some examples?

  • Ray Dalio wrote a badass sales letter that likely took him 20 years to develop. It is now 15m views and counting.
  • Expert Secrets: Russell Brunson writes books as sales letters. He also hosts webinars that crush.
  • Tai Lopez: The 67 steps
  • Sam Ovens: 2 hour long webinar – made $15m in a year all by himself
  • Alex Becker’s Funnel : Becker is a beast at sales letters
  • Ben used the sales letter framework to make really compelling arguments

How are the sales letters used in outbound emails?

  • The sales letters are appended to the outbound emails and outbound messages. They are used to deliver immediate value to the prospect. In return for the value you delivered, the prospect will either reply or request a meeting.
  • Outbound prospecting and cold emailing won’t work if the content is wrong. That’s the key. It’s not just about sending emails and “hitting doors”.

Can an agency write the sales letter for me?

  • A marketing agency won’t be able to write a compelling sales letter for you unless that agency employs a master copywriter who also has some expertise in your field. A typical fee for a copywriter to create this sales letter for you is $25k USD. It is very difficult to find a master copywriter to write these for you.
  • An agency could help you with the media buying, but still…doesn’t really work. It’s like hiring someone to build your perfect product. Doesn’t work. They are going to build shit products that don’t work, it’s going to take longer than necessary and it’s going to be super expensive. It’s just a bit easier. Unless you pay the big bucks $400k salary or you pay the wizards to write you sales letters, you will have to write these and do these yourself.
  • The best CEOs are showmen and can write killer sales letters. Jeff Bezos writes his letters, Warren Buffet writes his letters, Elon musk does his key notes, Steve Job did his key notes.

How should you approach the sales letter?

  • Spend lots of time writing the sales letter and refining your concepts, but don’t get paralized. You want to push your first version out as fast as you can, then iterate.
  • Blast through the writing and throw up your points. Then go back and refine. Don’t try to make it perfect on the first go.

How many sales letters should you write?

  • Start with one, niche-specific sales letter. The first one will take you some time to get comfortable with the framework, however, the next few will feel easier. You will be using email marketing automation to push your sales letters out to your audience on a weekly or daily basis.

Where do we post the sales letters and how are they used?

  • We post the sales letters on mediums like your blog index, your niche-specific sales pages, LinkedIn profiles, Facebook profiles and business pages, Youtube channels, etc…The sales letter IS THE SALES SCRIPT. The sales letter IS THE AD. The sales letter IS THE VIDEO CONTENT. The core sales letter IS THE BUSINESS.

Is a sales page or website a sales letter?

  • Yes, the sales page or website messaging is derived from the sales letter. The sales page sections and elements map perfectly to the sales letter sections. When you have a strong sales letter, the pages can write themselves.

How do you know if the sales letter is working?

  • Simple. It makes sales. Doesn’t just get likes or attention, it actually converts. It gets shared. The like to dislike ratio is extremely high. When the sales letter actually works, people will bust down your door to buy from you. People will take out loans to buy from you.

How long does it need to be?

  • The sales letter can be as short as 1 paragraph (like an ad), or as long as a book (like The Bible). What matters is how useful it is. It can be 100 pages if it is useful. It can be 4 minutes or 1 page if it is useful. The only thing that matters is that it is useful.
  • Don’t worry about the length, just worry about the utility of the content.

How are sales letters used in advertising?

  • The ad is just a mechanism that transfers the prospect from social platforms to your sales letter. The ad is a “pitch” that convinces someone to at least look at your sales letter.
  • Media buyers get this all wrong. It’s not about the a/b tests, splitting, or the rapid testing of the audiences. These are just tactics used by people who don’t understand marketing or persuasion. The ad platforms are just auctions in which you can buy eyeballs. What those eyeballs do is dependent on your sales letter.

What are the 4-processes that determine the placement of the proof in your copy?

  • Process 1 is Gradualization-development of a stream of acceptance from your reader to your statements.
  • Process 2 is removal of the pre-conceived objections on the part of your prospect towards your product by providing with a new definition of that product
  • Process 3 is Mechanization –the verbal proof that your product works that it does what you say it does.
  • Process 4 is Concentration-the verbal proof that other alternatives present do not do this essential function as well.

Each of these four processes not only increases the believability of your claims, but also increases the believability of your proof. The first rule of the copy is that it produces an emotional impact.

Again, why is emotional impact so much useful in copywriting?

In mathematics, one plus one always equals two—never more. In emotional writing, one plus one can often equal ten. In other words, two emotional images, joined together in the right way- can often have TEN TIMES the impact that either of these images.

Copywriting formulas and frameworks

What are some important popular copywriting formulas for sales letter and email marketing?

  • By far the most popular — and probably the oldest — of all direct mail copy formulas is one of the most simple: AIDA. A. Attract the reader’s attention. I Arouse the reader’s interest in the proposition. D Stimulate the reader’s desire to take action. A Ask the reader to take the action requested. There are several variations on the AIDA formula. The late Robert Collier insisted the proper order for sales letters was: Attention Interest Description Persuasion Proof Close Earle A. Buckley had this variation: Interest Desire Conviction Action
  • Victor Schwab suggested this formula: A Get Attention A Show people an Advantage P Prove it P Persuade people to grasp this advantage A Ask for action
  • Henry Hoke, Sr., took a different approach: Picture Promise Prove Push
  • Many writers have found Jack Lacy’s Five Points an excellent guideline for their sales letters: 1. What will you do for me if I listen to your story? 2. How are you going to do this? 3. Who is responsible for the promises you make? 4. Who have you done this for? 5. What will it cost me?
  • Frank Egner offered a more detailed, nine-point formula: 1. The headline (or first paragraph) to get attention and arouse desire. 2. The inspirational lead-in. 3. A clear definition of the product. 4. Tell a success story about product use. 5. Include testimonials and endorsements. 6. List special features. 7. A definite statement of value to the prospect. 8. Specific urgent action copy. 9. A postscript.
  • Of all the formulas, I have found Bob Stone’s seven steps the most helpful: 1. Promise a benefit in your headline or first paragraph — your most important benefit. 2. Immediately enlarge your most important benefit. 3. Tell the reader specifically what he or she is going to get. 4. Back up your statements with proof and endorsements. 5. Tell the reader what might be lost if he or she doesn’t act. 6. Rephrase your prominent benefits in your closing. 7. Incite action — now.
  • There’s one more approach many writers have built into their direct mail copy. It was the basis for much of Cy Frailey’s teaching about effective letter writing. He credits a Chicago consultant, Dr. Frank W. Dignan, for creating the Star-Chain-Hook approach: Star An opening that quickly captures the reader’s attention. Chain A series of facts to change the reader’s casual attention to a real and sustained interest. Hook Something to impel the desired action.
  • Many teachers of writing often add a mathematical formula to these approaches. Several of these mathematical formulas are based on the readability formula introduced by Dr. Rudolf Flesch.* The late Maxwell Ross, whose name is in everybody’s book as one of the all-time great direct mail writers, boiled it all down to this: ■ For every 100 words you write, make sure that approximately 75% are words of five letters or less. In the classes I teach, I try to make it even simpler: Concentrate on short words and action words. The reason for this is that most formula-oriented copywriters have a tendency to lean too heavily on their formula. As a result, there is a stiffness to their copy that destroys the natural flow.
  • Frankly, I’m convinced that none of the top direct mail writers really use their formulas when writing. It’s just that when asked to give a speech on copywriting, the easiest thing to do is talk about a formula. The formulas that flow from the platforms at direct mail meetings are promptly forgotten when a writing assignment comes along. * The Art of Plain Talk, Rudolf Flesch, Ph.D., Harper & Brothers, New York, 1946.
  • This doesn’t mean copywriting formulas are without merit. They deserve to be studied and entered into the subconscious and can be useful in analyzing what’s wrong with a copy that doesn’t hit the mark. When it comes to editing copy, there are many more sets of helpful guidelines. The late, great Edward N. Mayer, Jr., who created the first series of continuing education programs for the Direct Marketing Association, often suggested this list: 1. Make every letter sell. 2. Know your subject thoroughly. 3. Make your letters clear 4. Make your letters concise, but tell the whole story. 5. Know what you want — and ask for it. 6. Use simple language and short words to tell your story. 7. Make your letters friendly. 8. Make your copy sincere. 9. Make your copy tactful. 10. Always put a hook in your copy.
  • Another great copywriter, John Yeck, offers these guidelines: 1. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes. 2. Be friendly. 3. Shoot for the bullseye (to take the reader from where she is to where you want her to be). 4. Keep your letters clear and easy to read. 5. Make them interesting and keep them moving. 6. Be believable. 7. B.U. — be yourself. 8. Write, write, write — carefully. If you love formulas for writing and editing, you’ll find many more of them in Dartnell’s Direct Mail and Mail Order Handbook*

What are top copywriting quotes that can help you get the basics?

  1. “Let’s get to the heart of the matter. The power, the force, the overwhelming urge to own that makes advertising work, comes from the market itself, and not from the copy. Copy cannot create desire for a product. It can only take the hopes, dreams, fears and desires that already exist in the hearts of millions of people, and focus those already existing desires onto a particular product. This is the copy writer’s task: not to create this mass desire – but to channel and direct it.” – Eugene Schwartz
  2. “If it sounds like writing, I rewrite it.” – Elmore Leonard
  3. “Copy is not written. Copy is assembled.” – Eugene Schwartz
  4. “When I write an advertisement, I don’t want you to tell me that you find it ‘creative.’ I want you to find it so interesting that you buy the product.” – David Ogilvy
  5. “Your job is not to write copy. Your job is to know your visitors, customers and prospects so well, you understand the situation they’re in right now, where they’d like to be, and exactly how your solution can and will get them to their ideal self.” – Joanna Wiebe
  6. “Nobody reads ads. People read what interests them. Sometimes it’s an ad.” – Howard Gossage
  7. “Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read.” – Leo Burnett
  8. “Metaphors are a great language tool, because they explain the unknown in terms of the known.” – Anne Lamott
  9. “The secret of all effective advertising is not the creation of new and tricky words and pictures, but one of putting familiar words and pictures into new relationships.” – Leo Burnett
  10. “We have become so accustomed to hearing everyone claim that his product is the best in the world, or the cheapest, that we take all such statements with a grain of salt.” – Robert Collier
  11. “A big reason so many businesses compete on price is because they can’t prove what value they offer, so they’re stuck with the one selling point that’s a breeze to communicate: cheapness.” – Mish Slade
  12. “Every product has a unique personality and it is your job to find it.” – Joe Sugarman
  13. “People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions, and help them throw rocks at their enemies.” – Blair Warren
  14. “Here’s the only thing you’re selling, no matter what business you’re in and what you ship: you’re selling your prospects a better version of themselves.” – Joanna Wiebe
  15. “The mind thinks in pictures, you know. One good illustration is worth a thousand words. But one clear picture built up in the reader’s mind by your words is worth a thousand drawings, for the reader colors that picture with his own imagination, which is more potent than all the brushes of all the world’s artists.” – Robert Collier
  16. “Instead of representing the buyer’s expectations, needs, wants, and concerns, many personas are built around a profile of what the business would like its ideal buyer to be.” – Jennifer Havice
  17. “A business man is no different from any other kind.” – Robert Collier
  18. “To properly understand advertising or to learn even its rudiments one must start with the right conception. Advertising is salesmanship.” – Claude Hopkins
  19. “The very first thing you must come to realize is that you must become a “student of markets.” Not products. Not techniques. Not copywriting. Not how to buy space or whatever. Now, of course, all of these things are important and you must learn about them, but, the first and the most important thing you must learn is what people want to buy.” – Gary Halbert
  20. “The very first thing I tell my new students on the first day of a workshop is that good writing is about telling the truth.” – Anne Lamott
  21. “It has long been my belief that a lot of money can be made by making offers to people who are at an emotional turning point in their lives.” – Gary Halbert
  22. “There is your audience. There is the language. There are the words that they use.” – Eugene Schwartz
  23. “Decide the effect you want to produce in your reader.” — Robert Collier
  24. “Brevity doesn’t mean bare bones or stripped down. Take as long as you need to tell the story.” – Ann Handley
  25. “What I am doing here is taking the reader by the hand and leading him exactly where I want him to go. It seems like a small point and, maybe it is, but is the little touches like this that keeps the letter flowing, the reader moving along, and, it relieves him of the burden of trying to figure out what he is supposed to do when he finishes reading a particular page.” – Gary Halbert
  26. “There is a secret every professional artist knows that the amateurs don’t: being original is overrated. The most creative minds in the world are not especially creative; they’re just better at rearrangement.” – Jeff Goins
  27. “The word block suggests that you are constipated or stuck, when the truth is that you’re empty.” – Anne Lamott
  28. “So, before you begin the writing, be sure you know the purpose or mission or objective of every piece of content that you write. What are you trying to achieve? What information, exactly, are you trying to communicate? And why should your audience care?” – Ann Handley
  29. “I’ve learned that any fool can write a bad ad, but that it takes a real genius to keep his hands off a good one.” – Leo Burnett
  30. “Tap a single overwhelming desire existing in the hearts of thousands of people who are actively seeking to satisfy it at this very moment.” – Eugene Schwartz
  31. “Good advertising is written from one person to another. When it is aimed at millions it rarely moves anyone.” – Fairfax M. Cone
  32. “In writing good advertising it is necessary to put a mood into words and to transfer that mood to the reader.” – Helen Woodward
  33. “The vast majority of products are sold because of the need for love, the fear of shame, the pride of achievement, the drive for recognition, the yearning to feel important, the urge to look attractive, the lust for power, the longing for romance, the need to feel secure, the terror of facing the unknown, the lifelong hunger for self-esteem and so on. Emotions are the fire of human motivation, the combustible force that secretly drives most decisions to buy. When your marketing harnesses those forces correctly you will generate explosive increases in response.” – Gary Bencivenga
  34. “All the elements in an advertisement are primarily designed to do one thing and one thing only: get you to read the first sentence of the copy.” – Joseph Sugarman
  35. “What matters isn’t storytelling. What matters is telling a true story well.” – Ann Handley
  36. “Copy is a direct conversation with the consumer.” – Shirley Polykoff
  37. “You sell on emotion, but you justify a purchase with logic.” – Joseph Sugarman
  38. “In an online world, our online words are our emissaries; they tell the world who we are.” – Ann Handley
  39. “The greatest thing you have working for you is not the photo you take or the picture you paint; it’s the imagination of the consumer. They have no budget, they have no time limit, and if you can get into that space, your ad can run all day.” – Don Draper
  40. “Make your copy straightforward to read, understand and use. Use easy words; those that are used for everyday speech. Use phrases that are not too imprecise and very understandable. Do not be too stuffy; remove pompous words and substitute them with plain words. Minimize complicated gimmicks and constructions. If you can’t give the data directly and briefly, you must consider writing the copy again.” – Jay Abraham
  41. “It takes a big idea to attract the attention of consumers and get them to buy your product. Unless your advertising contains a big idea, it will pass like a ship in the night. I doubt if more than one campaign in a hundred contains a big idea.” – David Ogilvy
  42. “Probably the biggest thing or biggest ‘aha’ moment I had with the process of copywriting was when I realized that copywriting was more than just being creative. I used to think, ‘Wow, let’s come up with something great and wonderful,’ and I didn’t start becoming successful, in my own eyes, until I said, ‘No, my clients are not hiring me to be creative; they’re hiring me to deliver a control.’” – Carline Anglade-Cole
  43. “Marketers have a tendency to try to abstract their messages to the point that everything can be said in two to six commonly used words, which somehow gives us the comforting sense that we’ve created a polished marketing message. As if that’s the goal. Let me leave you with this: polish doesn’t convert.” – Joanna Wiebe