CrawlQ Under 3.5 Minutes

CrawlQ crawls and uses AI to grab millions of search and social web data to find out your audience needs, what they read, listen, watch, follow, desires, fear, suspect, hate, love, and talk online.

Level 1 (8)
Market Research

AI & Audiene

Market Research

With CrawlQ’s AI-powered Audience Intelligence tools you can.

Find the answers, insights, and stories that truly engage your online audience.

Build a Niche within your Niche

Drill down to a micro-niche within a broad market for success.

Analyze the Sweetest Spot

Finds the Sweet Spot using your skills and problems your Audience have

Craft your perfect Ideal Prospect Story

Craft a perfect story about WHO they are, WHAT they WANT or DESIRE

Discover Demographics

Specify your target market with Role, Age, Gender, Location, Occupation, and more

Prioritize Semantics and Search Intent

Grab potential ranking opportunities for branded and long-tail high converting keywords

Develop Deep Emotional Rapport

Analyze psychographics to understand what’s going on inside their mind, what motivates them.

AI & Assistance

Power of Athena

Unleash the Power of AI-Athena to Learn, Research, and Write the Voice of your Audience

Train our in-house AI Assistant “Athena” to get 100% niche-specific data for your content needs.

Unlock Athena

AI Athena learns, researches, and writes the needs and requirements of your audience.

Identify the desire

Athena expands upon your seed inputs to find topics, fears, desires, suspicions, and much more.

Dig Insights

Athena Dig Gold discovers unique insights on your audience using proven market frameworks

Discover Questions

AI Athena researches 140 psychographic factors from Search Data that influence buying behavior

Learn the facts

AI Athena learns the facts, figures, numbers, and competitors using 5 different URLs

Activate Sales Mode

Athena with Sales Mode creates sales letters, emails, and webinar scripts in a self-learning mode

Content Automation

AI & Automation

Content Automation

Let’s get into real fun.

Build 100% Unique Niche-Specific Blogs, Social Media Posts, eBooks, Courses, Whitepaper, or Consulting documents.

Write Me, Athena

Unleash the real writing power of Athena so that you never run out of ideas or hit to writer’s block

Ask Me, Athena

Give plain instructions to Athena to answer why what how or to generate awesome bullet points

Elevator Pitch

Get a $1m Elevator Pitch in seconds to generate traction on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter

Captivating Captions

Generate super catchy titles and hooks for your post that will get the Audience & SEO attention you need

Content Coach

Structure your content ideas to showcase your authority and content depth in your Niche

Headline Intros

Generate Headline & Intros so that your reader never ever skip any section of your post


Give your readers a short and concise version of your content to save time and grab their attention

Research and Insights

Align your content with your audience insights and market research

SERP FAQ Generator

Unique way to consume and leverage on your competitor content for 100% plagiarism free copy

Topic Coverage

Never lose insights on what topics your competitors are targeting in your Niche

Lead Quora Q&A

Generate unique answers to Quora questions in your niche and add better answers to Quora.

Trending News

Freshen up your content and give your readers the latest trends with fresh content

AI & Assistance


Test your market, map customer journey and if you are blogger, affiliate, and content writer, jumpstart your CrawlQ journey using Marketplace.

Market A/B Testing

AI Athena learns, researches, and writes the needs of your audience

Customer Journey

AI Athena learns, researches, and writes the needs of your audience

Instant Headstart

AI Athena learns, researches, and writes the needs of your audience

Start crafting better content faster

With CrawlQ, it takes minutes, not days, To create authority content.